Placenta Encapsulation Specialist Certification Course

A Placenta Encapsulation Specialist is an individual who is professionally trained to convert human placentas into ingestible capsules. Placenta ingestion is an ancient practice that can have many positive benefits in a birthing person and encapsulation presents a more palatable and convenient way for the placenta to be taken. Placenta encapsulation is also a specialized skill set that allows a birther worker to provide additional service offerings and gain income while presenting new methods of support to individuals during their postpartum journey. This service can be offered even if you are not present at the time of their delivery. Through our three week blended learning certification course Gifted Hands provides birth workers the evidence based and hands on training needed to provide this service to their clients.

Individuals who pursue their Placenta Encapsulation certification with Gifted Hands experince the following benefits

  • Detail Curriculum

    Students will be guided by an instructor through a comprehensive evidenced based curriculum

  • Bloodborne pathogen training

    In addition to the placenta encapsulation training, students will also receive the American Heart Association's bloodborne pathogen training.

  • Hands on training with actual placentas

    While most other programs use chicken breast or other cuts of meat, during the Gifted Hand's training students will learn to encapsulate using actual placentas

Upcoming course schedule

Our next class runs from June 5th-25th

  • Orientation July 23rd 7pm CST via zoom

  • First day of online classes July 31st

  • Exam week August 14th-19th

  • Two day in person training (bur ridge illinois) August 19th&20th 8am-4pm


  • How long is this course?

    Our placenta encapsulation course runs for three weeks

  • What will I learn during this course?

    Topics will include The history of Placenta Encapsulation Benefits and contraindications of Placenta Encapsulation Bloodborne pathogen training , Encapsulating a Placenta using the Chinese medicine method, Preparing an umbilical cord keepsake, Preparing a placenta print, Preparing a placenta tincture

  • Is this training in person?

    This is a blended learning style course. The first two weeks of class will consist of online lectures. The last week of class consists of a two day hands on training. *In person training will take place in Burr Ridge,IL

  • What would my weekly schedule look like while taking this course?

    The first two weeks will consist of pre recorded lessons. Two will be released each week for a total of four lessons. Each lesson will come with a worksheet and discussion question. On Fridays at 7pm there will be a live zoom session with your instructor and other classmates. During this time you can ask questions, receive clarity, and interact with your fellow classmates. Week three will be exam week where you will be tested on the concepts you have learned up to that point. The exam must be passed with a score of 70% or higher to continue on to the hands on training. At the end of week three a two day in person training will be held where you will learn step by step how to encapsulate the placenta.

  • What will we practice on during the two day training?

    Students will practice on actual placentas

  • What certification will I have upon completion?

    Students will receive a placenta encapsulation specialist certification, as well as, a bloodborne pathogen training certificate.

  • I can't make it to the upcoming class when is the next one?

    Because this particular training is dependent on us having placentas in stock we can't say how often it will be held. Our suggestion is to enroll as soon as you are able because there may be a wait time before the next class is offered.

  • how much can I charge for this service once I am certified

    On average professionals charge between $200-$500 for placenta encapsulation services

Still have some questions?

Click the button below to schedule a phone call with a member of our staff