Payment FAQs

  • How much is tuition?

    Tuition is $1797. A $97 discount is given to individuals who pay in full at the time of enrollment.

  • What does the tuition cover?

    Your tuition covers the cost of your online classes, clinical weekend training, certification fees, uniform, and graduation fees *books are not included in tuition cost.

  • If I enroll in a payment plan when is my first payment due?

    Your first payment is due on the day you enroll. *initial deposit is non refundable.

  • If I enroll in a payment plan how often will my payments be?

    Payments are due monthly on the same day of the month that you enrolled. In example, If you enrolled on jan 1st your remaining payments would be due Feb 1st, March 1st ,ect.

  • What if I drop the class before it begins? Will I get a refund?

    If a student drop the class within 90 days of enrollment, they will receive a refund for tuition payments excluding their initial deposit.